I know Obama has been ridiculed for his talk of "change" -- that he's all rhetoric and bluster and woefully short on the details. Of course, this is bunk -- there are plenty of policy papers and statements and proposals on his website, but they don't fit into a 10-second soundbite so the average American hasn't taken the time to read them. (Note: I am an average American.)About not wearing an American flag lapel pin, Obama said Republicans have no lock on patriotism.
"A party that presided over a war in which our troops did not get the body armor they needed, or were sending troops over who were untrained because of poor planning, or are not fulfilling the veterans' benefits that these troops need when they come home, or are undermining our Constitution with warrantless wiretaps that are unnecessary?
"That is a debate I am very happy to have. We'll see what the American people think is the true definition of patriotism."
But the change that's so exciting to me is that perhaps finally we've found a politician who knows how to strike back at the mudslinging from the right-wing hate machine, by pointing out the ridiculous nature of the attacks instead of scurrying like a church mouse to defend himself from these scurrilous attacks.
The 2004 campaign should have been a slam-dunk win for the Democrats, but John Kerry and his advisors fell right into the trap set for them by Karl Rove and the Fox News crowd. Here was a decorated war hero who both served his country admirably and understood the danger of fighting an ill-planned and poorly executed war. But instead of riding roughshod over the draft-dodging chickenhawks in the Bush administration, Kerry scrambled to refute the Swift Boat attacks, something he should have been able to do within two days of the first ad by pointing out the differences in the service records of the Democrat and Republican on the ballot.
Now we've got Obama, who doesn't even have a military record on which to run, providing the blueprint to quash the slime flung at him from these faux patriots. And the reason I said he is the country's best hope is not because I am a Democrat, or because I am an Obama supporter (I'd just as willingly back Hillary if I thought she were capable of doing the same, but she's proven that she isn't).
Obama's campaign represents the country's best hope for a better future because this kind of crap has to stop. Questioning another American's patriotism is the lowest kind of dirty trick, because it appeals to some deep insecurities in the American populace, the kind of appeal that only serves to divide our country further. Obama is on record countless times showing his love for this country, and no lapel pin or posture during the national anthem can prove otherwise.
The sooner we can stop these cynical attacks from drooling right-wing sycophants, the sooner we can start talking about the issues that affect the bottom line and quality of life for all Americans. Of course, that's exactly what most Republicans don't want, because they know when it comes down to the issues, most Americans realize it's time for a change.
And, FYI, I'm just as down on ridiculous attacks on McCain or other Republicans from left-wing nutjobs. I just don't think they rise to this level in the frequency of those on Democrats from the right. If you disagree, feel free to try to set me straight.
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